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"Saving the world, one pixel at a time."

Guy Nouri

Hudson, NY

My name is Guy Nouri. While at Princeton during the reign of Rosalind Krauss, and her masterful array of artists, I drew, painted, photographed, filmed, sculpted, and did computer graphics. I took every art history class available at Princeton. We had access to some of the best teachers and most exciting artists of the time.
Coming back together years later, the same gang has matured and is turning itself inside out trying to locate a common identity. While on the surface our art does not look alike and our styles diverge widely, there is an intelligence in our method which derived not only from our teachers but, importantly, through the close interaction with each other. 

I am certain that in a hundred years people will point at our work and just say:
“Princeton? Maybe Princeton 76. Yeah. Thats it!”

I have gone from deconstruction to AR. From developing visual software  like ‘PAINT’ and ‘Movie Maker’ (atari, EA, Microsoft) to Videosite (GTECH). And Magic Rings (hat). I have lectured taught and shown in US and Europe.

Now my primary focus is simply painting - painting pixels. XPix or external pixels to be precise. XPX are simple picture elements, color and location rescaled, using acrylic, ground pigment, glue and spray paint with fabric, stone and XPS styrofoam. The XPX are exploded 3D paintings that present outdoors, in the real world, beyond screen or frame, like an external skeleton walking outside looking for new context and a full reboot.

© 2021 All works copyright of their respective original artists.

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